The fine folks who FAWM – that is, they did February Album Writing Month this year – are pleased to present their 2015 creative output!
FAWM is a self-challenge where songwriters attempt to write 14 songs in 28 days. FAWMers post their demos online and, in some cases, organize cool showcases such as this one!
There’s no cover for this event. It’s art loop, after all! Just come enjoy some great food and drinks at LOMA Coffee, and hear the dulcet tones OF:
Casey MacKenzie
Em McKeever [Music]
Erin Magnin and Michael Schutz Natrin (AKA The Honey Badgers)
Jessica Graae
Stefan Wolfe “Music”
Evan Hebert
and MORE, as they actually RSVP to me and confirm…!! 🙂